the osprey trail run is an official fundraiser for the st. lucie county environmental resources department’s annual earth day festival held at the oxbow eco-center in port st. lucie, florida.
your race crew

irene arpayoglou
Local ultrarunner and marine biologist, Irene splits her time between running trails and being on the water. She works as a regional aquatic preserves manager for the state, and is dedicated to protecting our terrestrial and aquatic resources. As your volunteer Race Director, Irene will make sure you have everything you need at the Aid Station while reducing our impacts on our natural areas. Don't let her see you dropping trash on the trail!

jeff mayer
Jeff, your volunteer race director, father, husband, conservationist and runner. He enjoys running everything from 5k distance races to ultramarathons. His day job is working as a creative in the design and technology field.
the st. lucie environmental resources division
The Environmental Resources Department’s Mission is to preserve, protect and enhance SLC’s environmental resources through sustainable land management practices, regulations, public education and outreach.
Environmental Resources Department currently has a staff of 20 throughout its 3 divisions who work with citizens, businesses, homeowners, and other stakeholders to carry out our mission.
The Environmental Education and Community Outreach Division operates out of the Oxbow Eco-Center and provides county-wide educational programs that foster an awareness and appreciation for the natural world, an understanding of ecosystems and sustainability, and a sense of stewardship toward Florida and all its inhabitants. Staff in this division develop programs for adults and youth on County preserves, in schools, and at a variety of venues and works with community partners to provide numerous volunteer opportunities that have a County-wide impact.
oxbow eco center
The Oxbow Eco-Center is both a nature preserve and an environmental learning center in Port St. Lucie, Florida, situated on 225-acres along the North Fork of the St Lucie River. It is the Environmental Education and Community Outreach Division of St. Lucie County’s Environmental Resources Department. The property was acquired with Environmentally Significant Lands and Save Our Rivers funding in a partnership between St. Lucie County and the South Florida Water Management District. The land is managed and preserved to sustain native plants and wildlife. Boardwalks, pedestrian trails and observation towers allow visitors to fully experience nature without disturbing it.
Oxbow Eco-Center staff and volunteers provide environmental programming throughout the year to residents of all ages and backgrounds through school field trips, workshops, lectures, public events, and service learning opportunities.
The Oxbow also leads by example! The Eco-Center was constructed using ‘green building technologies,’ and is a model for sustainability. Passive light design, solar panels, recycled and recyclable materials were used in the Eco-Center’s construction. In addition, a cistern system captures rainfall to flush toilets and the floors are made from salvaged pine. The building is proof that each of us can lighten our load on the planet and protect natural resources for future generations.
The Oxbow Eco-Center cultivates knowledge, nurtures a sense of wonder and inspires stewardship for the natural world through education, artistic expression, collaboration, volunteerism & celebration.
oxbow eco center location
Oxbow Eco-Center
5400 NE St. James Drive
Port St. Lucie, FL 34983